R-Rserve | | TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use facilities of R |
R-signal | | Signal Processing |
R-slippymath | | Slippy map tile tools |
R-triebeard | | Radix trees in Rcpp |
R-tuneR | | Analysis of Music and Speech |
R-urltools | | Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing |
R-wellknown | | Convert between 'WKT' and 'GeoJSON' |
r8s | | Estimate rates of molecular evolution |
radare2 | | Reverse engineering framework |
radare2-git | | Reverse engineering framework |
Radicale3 | | CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server |
rage | | Video + Audio player for the Enlightenment desktop |
rainbow | | Short reads clustering and local assembly |
rakudo-star | | Perl 6 reference implementation |
ranmacgen | | Random MAC address generator |
rapidxml | | RapidXml is an attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible |
raptor | | Source port for Raptor Call Of The Shadows |
rar4 | | File archiver (binary only) |
raster3d | | Set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules |
ratpoints | | Optimized quadratic sieve algorithm |
ratproxy | | Passive web application security assessment tool |
raw | | Open Source implementation of Another World engine |
rawdog | | RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur |
rawgl | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World |
rawgl-git | | Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World |
raze | | Fork of the Build engine backed by GZDoom tech |
rc.d.Interix | | NetBSD rc.d system for MS Interix |
rdsn-git | | Robust Distributed System Nucleus |
rdup | | Backup utility listing changed files only |
re2-git | | Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expressions library |
readseq | | Read and reformat biosequences, Java command-line version |
realm-core | | Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs |
realpath | | DragonFly BSD's version of realpath utility |
realtimebattle | | Programming robots game |
realvnc | | Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays |
recidivm | | Estimates a program's peak virtual memory use |
recutils | | Tools and libraries to access plain text databases |
redfang | | Scan for hidden bluetooth devices |
redict | | Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface |
reduze | | Program for reducing Feynman Integrals |
reflectionhle | | Port of Keen Dreams, the 3D Catacomb games and Wolfenstein 3D |
regula | | Checks infrastructure as code security and compliance |
relaydb | | Spam relay database |
remctl | | Client/server protocol for running commands using Kerberos v5 auth |
remind | | Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language |
reone | | Game engine for running Knights of the Old Republic |
repeatmasker | | Find interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences |
reproc | | Cross-platform process library |
resin | | High-performance, open source application server |
retawq | | Interactive, multi-threaded network client for text terminals |
retro68 | | M68k cross compiler environment |
reuse-tool | | Tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations |
revealjs | | Presentation tool with html/css |
reviewdog | | Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis |
rexx-regina | | Implementation of the REXX language |
ReZound | | Audio editor with graphical interface |
rhapsody | | IRC client for Unix operating systems |
riak | | Distributed, highly available data store |
riak14 | | Distributed, highly available data store |
ricochet | | Anonymous instant messaging for real privacy |
RigelEngine | | Modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II |
rio | | Hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator |
ripe-rpsl-objectlibrary | | RPSL Object Library |
ripgrep-all | | Search tool that allows you to look for a regex in a multitude of file types |
ripit | | Perl-script frontend for encoding audio CDs to OGG/MP3 files |
ripole | | Program/library designed to extract attachments from OLE2 files |
rippled | | Ripple peer-to-peer network daemon |
riscv64-none-elf-binutils | | Cross binutils for bare metal Riscv64 ELF |
riscv64-none-elf-gcc | | GCC for bare metal Riscv64 |
riscv64-none-elf-xuantie-gcc | | XuanTie GCC for bare metal RISC-V 64-bit little-endian ELF |
rk | | Relativistic Kinematics |
rlottie | | A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation. |
rmilter | | Milter for rspamd |
rna-seq | | Core tools needed for RNA-Seq analysis |
rna-star | | Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference |
rnc-mode | | Emacs mode for editing compact RELAX NG schemas |
rng-tools | | Random collection of Linux kernel-related projects and source code |
rnp | | high performance C++ OpenPGP library |
roadfighter | | Remake the Konami MSX classic game Road Fighter |
rocksdb | | RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage. |
rolo | | Text-based contact manager |
rom64 | | Nintendo 64 ROM utility |
romblast | | A ROM utility |
rootcheck | | RootKit detection software |
rootsh | | Logging wrapper for shells |
roswell | | Common Lisp environemnt setup utility |
rott | | Fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game |
rottexpr | | SDL2 source port of Rise of the Triad |
roundcube-skin-mvision2 | | Hotmail/MSN-stylish skin for roundcube webmail |
routersploit | | Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices |
roxterm | | ROXTerm is a terminal emulator |
rpki-git | | RPKI package collection |
rpm5 | | The RPM Package Manager |
rq | | Rego Query |
rsem | | RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization |
rset | | Configure systems using any scripting language |
rsget | | Perl application designed to retrieve files from download services |
rsound | | Multi-platform, simple PCM audio server and client |
rsstail | | RSS feeds reader with a tail(1)-like interface |
rst-mode | | Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents |
mk | | Subfolder |