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R-Rserve TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use facilities of R
R-signal Signal Processing
R-slippymath Slippy map tile tools
R-triebeard Radix trees in Rcpp
R-tuneR Analysis of Music and Speech
R-urltools Vectorised Tools for URL Handling and Parsing
R-wellknown Convert between 'WKT' and 'GeoJSON'
r8s Estimate rates of molecular evolution
radare2 Reverse engineering framework
radare2-git Reverse engineering framework
Radicale3 CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
rage Video + Audio player for the Enlightenment desktop
rainbow Short reads clustering and local assembly
rakudo-star Perl 6 reference implementation
ranmacgen Random MAC address generator
rapidxml RapidXml is an attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible
raptor Source port for Raptor Call Of The Shadows
rar4 File archiver (binary only)
raster3d Set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules
ratpoints Optimized quadratic sieve algorithm
ratproxy Passive web application security assessment tool
raw Open Source implementation of Another World engine
rawdog RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur
rawgl Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World
rawgl-git Re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World
raze Fork of the Build engine backed by GZDoom tech
rc.d.Interix NetBSD rc.d system for MS Interix
rdsn-git Robust Distributed System Nucleus
rdup Backup utility listing changed files only
re2-git Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expressions library
readseq Read and reformat biosequences, Java command-line version
realm-core Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
realpath DragonFly BSD's version of realpath utility
realtimebattle Programming robots game
realvnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
recidivm Estimates a program's peak virtual memory use
recutils Tools and libraries to access plain text databases
redfang Scan for hidden bluetooth devices
redict Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
reduze Program for reducing Feynman Integrals
reflectionhle Port of Keen Dreams, the 3D Catacomb games and Wolfenstein 3D
regula Checks infrastructure as code security and compliance
relaydb Spam relay database
remctl Client/server protocol for running commands using Kerberos v5 auth
remind Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language
reone Game engine for running Knights of the Old Republic
repeatmasker Find interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences
reproc Cross-platform process library
resin High-performance, open source application server
retawq Interactive, multi-threaded network client for text terminals
retro68 M68k cross compiler environment
reuse-tool Tool for compliance with the REUSE recommendations
revealjs Presentation tool with html/css
reviewdog Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis
rexx-regina Implementation of the REXX language
ReZound Audio editor with graphical interface
rhapsody IRC client for Unix operating systems
riak Distributed, highly available data store
riak14 Distributed, highly available data store
ricochet Anonymous instant messaging for real privacy
RigelEngine Modern re-implementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II
rio Hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator
ripe-rpsl-objectlibrary RPSL Object Library
ripgrep-all Search tool that allows you to look for a regex in a multitude of file types
ripit Perl-script frontend for encoding audio CDs to OGG/MP3 files
ripole Program/library designed to extract attachments from OLE2 files
rippled Ripple peer-to-peer network daemon
riscv64-none-elf-binutils Cross binutils for bare metal Riscv64 ELF
riscv64-none-elf-gcc GCC for bare metal Riscv64
riscv64-none-elf-xuantie-gcc XuanTie GCC for bare metal RISC-V 64-bit little-endian ELF
rk Relativistic Kinematics
rlottie A platform independent standalone library that plays Lottie Animation.
rmilter Milter for rspamd
rna-seq Core tools needed for RNA-Seq analysis
rna-star Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference
rnc-mode Emacs mode for editing compact RELAX NG schemas
rng-tools Random collection of Linux kernel-related projects and source code
rnp high performance C++ OpenPGP library
roadfighter Remake the Konami MSX classic game Road Fighter
rocksdb RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage.
rolo Text-based contact manager
rom64 Nintendo 64 ROM utility
romblast A ROM utility
rootcheck RootKit detection software
rootsh Logging wrapper for shells
roswell Common Lisp environemnt setup utility
rott Fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game
rottexpr SDL2 source port of Rise of the Triad
roundcube-skin-mvision2 Hotmail/MSN-stylish skin for roundcube webmail
routersploit Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
roxterm ROXTerm is a terminal emulator
rpki-git RPKI package collection
rpm5 The RPM Package Manager
rq Rego Query
rsem RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization
rset Configure systems using any scripting language
rsget Perl application designed to retrieve files from download services
rsound Multi-platform, simple PCM audio server and client
rsstail RSS feeds reader with a tail(1)-like interface
rst-mode Emacs mode for reStructuredText documents
mk Subfolder